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Five-day course on the key modules of sustainable agriculture

Participants will gain an understanding of the factors that determine sustainability in agricultural production systems in terms of the prevailing social, economic and ecological environment. They’ll learn how to make effective and well-informed decisions so as to develop sustainable agricultural activities under the prevailing climate and market conditions.

Thematic areas covered

  • Sustainable management of natural resources, soil, water and biodiversity; labour conditions, socio-economic requirements and values
  • Good governance in the context of sustainable agriculture and crop protection
  • Animal husbandry, manure and fodder production
  • Energy-efficient agricultural production

Who’s the course for?

The programme aims at staff working in the field of rural development and natural resource management, especially in the development of agricultural production systems as an advisor, programme coordinator or policymaker.

Course methodology

  • 13 core and 8 additional modules with PowerPoint presentations and exercises
  • A trainer’s guide and reader with suggestions for further reading, films and points for discussion and reflection
  • An excursion or field visit

Number of participants

The course is limited to 20 participants.

Course language

The course is scheduled to be held in English but can also be conducted in French and or Spanish, on request of a programme, sector network or country office.


The course is organised in cooperation with the GIZ sector network on sustainable agriculture NAREN.


Accommodation and dinner are not part of the training package. Lunch and coffee are provided.
Logistical support and transfers can be arranged through the national GIZ office.


The course is planned to take place in Addis Ababa as well as in Bangkok this year.

Photo: (c) GIZ

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