Contract Farming as an Inclusive Business Model for African Smallholder Farmers

Video recording of an expert talk focusing on the results of a recent stocktaking
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To relaunch the SNRD community of practice on contract farming, the community convened an expert talk — onsite in Bonn combined with online presentations!

What is your key takeaway?

You can listen to interesting experiences regarding:

  • Lessons learnt and good practices from Malawi and Tunisia promoting contract farming as inclusive business model for smallholders
  • Results from the recently conducted stocktaking on experiences in using the GIZ methodology for promoting contract farming as inclusive business model in Ghana, Kenya, Benin and Tunisia (visits) as well as Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Burkina Faso (desk studies)
  • Opportunities for scaling up contract farming within very diverse types of programmes and projects in GIZ partner countries (the stocktaking report as well as the country factsheets from Tunisia, Benin, Tanzania and Ghana are be shared on our IDA community)

NB: Community managers are aware of the ongoing technical challenges for external experts and national staff to join the IDA Community. There is a lot of effort put into solving the issues. A comfortable mode of operation should be available soon.


Word of Welcome

  • Gerd Fleischer, Head of the sub-division „Agricultural Innovations and Sustainability Standards”, GIZ Bonn
  • Heike Hoeffler, Head of the Sector Project “Agricultural Trade and Value Chains”, GIZ Bonn

Part 1: ‘Promoting contract farming as an inclusive business model: Way forward for scaling-up’

  • Margret Will, Consultant
  • Katharina Schlemper, Advisor Sector Project “Agricultural Trade and Value Chains”
  • Martin Baumgart, Consultant

Part 2: ‘Contract farming in selected partner countries – Experiences and need for support’

  • Tunisia: Neil Fourati, Technical Advisor, Initiative for Agricultural Value Chains (IFPA), GIZ Tunisia
  • Malawi: Paul Cronjaeger, Technical Advisor, More Income and Employment in Rural Areas of Malawi (KULIMA MIERA), GIZ Malawi

Part 3: Open discussion to identify (not in the video)

  • Scaling-up Opportunities and challenges
  • Next steps

(NB: For reasons of data privacy, the entire recording including the Q&A part is only available on GIZ’s internal IDA platform)


Video invite to the talk

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