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Members of the two SNRDs will share their experiences with ICT4Ag — from Africa to Asia and vice versa!

SNRD Africa’s ICT4Ag Community of Practice joins up with SNRD Asia to exchange on how African and Asian farmers can easily access information using latest information and communication technology for agriculture.

Today’s fast-evolving ICT represents a tremendous opportunity for rural populations to improve productivity, to enhance food and nutrition security, to access markets, and to find employment in a revitalized sector  (World Bank 2017, ICT in Agriculture, Handbook).

Your Content Goes Here, Your Content Goes Here

SNRD Africa recently released a new study on the use of ICT in agriculture. It covers 52 ICT4Ag solutions which have been developed for 29 GIZ projects, operating in 34 countries on both continents.

In order to contribute to cross-boundary exchange between the two networks, the upcoming webinar will have a closer look at a particular ICT4Ag solution that has been applied in India — comparing it to similar implementation in Africa. Lessons-learnt will also draw from specific failures on both continents!

Is this relevant to you?

The webinar is designed for project staff of agricultural and rural development projects from both SNRDs who are interested in sharing their ICT4Ag-related experiences with colleagues in other parts of the world.

What will be your takeaway?

You will learn how to use ICT4Ag to improve farmers’ climate resilience, provide them with access to information, extension services and finance in two very different contexts.

Photo by Klaus Wohlmann
Photo at the top by GIZ/Angelika Jakob

What will be your takeaway?

You will learn how to use ICT4Ag to improve farmers’ climate resilience, provide them with access to information, extension services and finance in two very different contexts.

The presenters

The discussion will be led by Florian Moder, who has gained considerable insights during the setup of the Network for Information on Climate (Ex) Change (NICE+) in India. Colleagues from SNRD Africa with know-how in providing farmers with extension services and finance will provide much more than a sounding board.


Online via Skype4Buisness. You only have to click on the “Join the Skype Meeting” bottom below.

Edited recordings of most of our SNRD webinars are posted online with some time after the event.

You already have tons of questions that you would like to ask our speakers?

Please feel free to send your questions to prior to the webinar. We will make sure that your points will be covered in the presentations, or we will get to them during the Q&A part of the session!

Technical requirements for participating in the webinar

To join our webinars please make sure you installed Skype for Business. However, external computers can use the Lync Web App which automatically starts installing when you attempt to participate. There are no administrator rights required to perform the installation.

In order to participate, please follow these steps:

  1. Quit your normal Skype (log-out!)
  2. Click on the provided link to open S4B as well as to enter the virtual “Meeting room”. The link is found on your calendar, once you accepted the invitation to the webinar.
  3. You are in!!!

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