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Chargement Évènements


Nutrition in Value Chains

Kevina Wangai of the global program Promotion of Nutrition-sensitive Potato Value Chains in East Africa and Evi Gruber of the global program Food Security and Strengthening of Resilience will share project experiences. Alfons Eiligmann and Andreas Springer-Heinze inform on tools of the ValueLinks 2.0 Manual, providing examples on how to integrate nutrition into value chains.

What’s your takeaway?

The organisers want to encourage you to join the third webinar to get to know more about the complex theme on how to integrate nutrition into value chains. Remember, you still have the possibility to state your particular interest in certain areas related to agricultural value chains and to get them covered in more detail during one of the upcoming webinars.

How to participate

The webinar is conducted via Skype4Business and the respective Lynch app. To participate contact

You already have tons of questions you would like to ask the presenters?

Please send your questions to Eva Maria Greber ( prior to the webinar. She’ll make sure that your points are covered during the presentations or answered during the Q&A part of the session.

We are looking forward to having great discussions with you!

The organisers

  • Karina Brenneis (Sector Project Agricultural Trade and Value Chains)
  • Eberhard Krain (Planning Officer, FMB, and tandem partner of the SNRD WG ABIVCD)
  • Andreas Springer-Heinze (Senior Planning Officer, FMB)

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