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Introduction to Resilience for Development

Free online course in two parts, facilitated in English, French, and Spanish

The course is hosted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with SwedBio at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Pronatura, ECOSUR, NBSAP Forum and The Nature Conservancy.

It is designed for policymakers and practitioners working in the sustainable development and conservation planning sectors but is open to anyone interested.

It started on October 31st but participants can register for the course at any time. However, the six required online lessons, the course quiz and the course survey must be completed by November 27th 2017 in order to receive a certificate of completion.

  • Part 1: Understanding Resilience Thinking
  • Part 2: Applying Resilience Thinking to National Biodiversity and Development Plans

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