Contract Farming Handbook Vol. 1 Manual — A practical guide for linking small-scale producers and buyers through business model innovation

Editor: Margret Will

Published by GIZ in 2013.

Recognising the recent rise in the prominence of contract farming in practical approaches and debates on inclusive business, GIZ’s sector project on agricultural policy and food security published the Contract Farming Handbook – A practical guide for linking small-scale producers and buyers through business model innovation in 2013.

Volume I highlights areas that need to be well thought-out by farmers and buyers before venturing into contract farming. While asking many questions, Volume I gives little answers since farmers and buyers have to discover their own solutions as they own the businesses and bear the investment risks.
Experience shows that many practitioners know a lot of answers themselves; however, they often need help for discovering the real causes behind the more obvious symptoms. The questions assist practitioners in identifying the root causes that need to be addressed and finding their own solutions for developing viable and mutually beneficial contract farming schemes.