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Chargement Évènements

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals — CoP12

Their Future is Our Future – Sustainable Development for Wildlife & People

The CMS CoP will place particular emphasis on the fact that migratory animals provide vital services that satisfy people’s everyday needs – as a source of food and medicine, as pollinators and seed dispersers, and as a means of pest control. Migratory species can also fire our imagination with their majestic presence and beauty and inspire us with their intrepid journeys across deserts and oceans. COP12 presents an opportunity to place the cause of nature conservation centre stage in the wider debate about the future of the planet and the fate of its residents – human and animal.

It is the first time that a CMS CoP will be held in Asia. The actual CoP will be preceded by a high-level panel (22 October), which will be moderated by a leading international broadcast journalist and will involve dignitaries and celebrities including executives of international organizations and prominent goodwill ambassadors.

On the eve of CoP, an award ceremony under the Migratory Species Champion Programme (Champion Night) will be held (22 October). Several governments, organizations and companies will be recognized as Migratory Species Champions for their long-term support to initiatives that benefit migratory species.

Note for SNRD Africa members

The sister network SNRD Asia reaches out to you to get an idea who will be coming or is interested in coming. If you are not going, there is the possibility to showcase your project work with any PR materials in the GIZ booth at the event. You can contact Anusara with any questions — by 30 September.

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