Crosscutting Issues in District Development Planning

A methodology for integration based on promising practices for HIV and
Disaster Risk Management in Lesotho and Mozambique

This paper looks at the integration of two crosscutting issues, disaster risk management and HIV prevention and mitigation, into district planning in Mozambique and Lesotho – two countries that are decentralizing decision making with the support of GTZ’s rural development programmes

Based on promising practices used here, it proposes a basic four-step methodology for making crosscutting issues part of general district development planning:

  • Step 1: Identify relevant crosscutting issues

  • Step 2: Place issues on the agenda of district planners

  • Step 3: Launch issues in the district

  • Step 4: Integrate issues into all phases of district planning

This paper also discusses how integrating crosscutting issues into district development planning empowers governments to fight poverty in a more concerted manner.