How To… Promote Digitalisation Within Rural Youth Employment Programmes

Second paper of the how-to series for rural youth employment
youth empowerment

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Value add for readers

  • An overview of the challenges surrounding rural areas in Africa and access and usage of digitalisation
  • An overview of digital solutions that can benefit employment promotion in rural areas and brief introduction to them.
  • An understanding of how digitalisation can be promoted at different levels (e.g. Framework and policy conditions, demand for labour, supply for labour and matching)
  • An overview of and link to digital solutions that have been tried and tested in various countries’ rural contexts.
  • Explanation on how to tailor digital tools to a specific context, and inspiration on how it can vary from each country.
  • A selection of practical experiences and approaches that have been implemented within the Global Project Rural Employment with Focus on Youth.
  • Summary of lessons and recommendations for the successful implementation of digital measures in rural employment programmes.

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This how-to paper focuses on the promotion of digitalisation within rural youth employment programmes. Digitalisation in rural contexts can be complicated and requires tailored responses to be able to support youth and women in gaining better access to knowledge, information and job opportunities. Through successful planning and implementation, digital tools can help provide these opportunities. At the same time, they create more interesting and accessible routes in discovering youths’ employment potential – both locally and globally.

Integrating various digital solutions within the 360° AgriJobs Approach can help to reach employment goals and increase accessibility for women and youth. These solutions can vary from increased connectivity to provisions of new digital technologies. The key, however, is to tailor the digital solutions to the end user’s circumstances to ensure the most effective uptake.

About the how-to series

The Global Project Rural Employment with Focus on Youth has developed a series of how-to papers, which aims at processing and systematising the project’s practical experiences. Each how-to paper has a thematic focus and provides a brief overview of innovative approaches and inspiration for practical implementation. The series targets implementing organisations and donor agencies working in the field of youth employment.


Daria Hesse,

Nadine Guenther, 

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