2023 SNRD Africa Conference Proceedings

Report, Videos, Pictures

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Value add for readers

  • Find all the output from the conference in Senegal.
Conference participants  ⎮  Visual: © Corbecoms

SNRD’s New Team Members

Heike Hoeffler took over from Rita Weiding as SNRD Africa Speaker, Lamiaa Melengui joined as a new Co-speaker, and Caroline Willeke has become the network’s community manager. To read more about their background, go to this article SNRD’s New Team Members.

Working Groups

To get more information on the working group interaction, go to the Updates section on the respective working group’s pages on the website, or download the report on the different sessions and mini-workshops, which is an excerpt of the overall report provided by the moderators.


Conference Report

Overall proceedings report provided by the moderators.


Voices from the Floor

Listen to the individual viewpoints of conference participants. You’ll find 40 testimonials in the website’s videos section, or go directly to the Conference Playlist on Youtube.

all testimonials

Welcome notes

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Impressions video

Provided by the event agency.

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Opening Session

YouTube live stream recording.  NB: The interaction starts at 12:20 minutes.

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