Visual Training Materials on Nutrition Security

Tailoring training for all in Zambia

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  • Find training materials, uniquely designed to bridge knowledge gaps and empower communities—especially functionally illiterate individuals—in the pursuit of enhanced household food and nutrition security.

Farmers harvesting cowpea ⎮ Visual: © GIZ

The training materials developed by the Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience (FANSER) Project in Zambia go beyond the conventional. What sets these materials apart is their inclusive design, incorporating effective illustrations to facilitate comprehension—especially for functionally illiterate target groups.

Under the Nutrition-Sensitive-Agriculture component, FANSER collaborates with 3,845 community volunteers tasked with delivering vital agricultural training to project beneficiaries on improving the year-round availability of nutritious food. However, challenges arise due to limited knowledge, communication, and facilitation skills among these volunteers. To address this gap, FANSER has crafted specialized training materials in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Empowering Through Specialized Knowledge

These materials offer a structured and accessible approach to training, providing step-by-step methodologies and instructions for facilitators. Covering essential topics such as Legume production, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato production, Vegetable production (Keyhole Garden and Traditional gardening), Post Harvest Management Practices (PHMPs), and Strengthening Facilitation and Communication Skills, these materials play a pivotal role in achieving FANSER’s objectives.

Tackling Malnutrition Head-On

The Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience (FANSER) Project in Zambia is a collaborative effort with the Zambian Government, National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC), Ministry of Agriculture, and Catholic Relief Service. Implemented in Eastern and Luapula Provinces on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), FANSER aims to address the critical issue of malnutrition, focusing on women of reproductive age and children under two years.

With a comprehensive approach encompassing Nutrition, WASH, Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture, Economic Dimension, and Strengthening Nutrition Governance, the project targets 110,000 women of reproductive age and 64,000 children under two years. The success of this initiative hinges on the capacity and knowledge of 3,845 community volunteers.

Catalyzing Change

In essence, the FANSER project’s training materials serve as a catalyst, enhancing the capacities and knowledge acquisition of community volunteers. By addressing the unique challenges faced by semi-illiterate beneficiaries, the project contributes significantly to increasing household food and nutrition security in Zambia.


Vegetable production ⎮ Visual: © GIZ


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