Neem Crop Protector: New Bio Pest Control in Ghana’s Agricultural Landscape

Safe and sustainable solutions for farmers

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  • Discover the remarkable journey of the Tibourataa Women Group as they harness the power of neem seeds to create a locally sourced bio-pesticide, offering farmers a safe and sustainable alternative to harmful chemicals.
  • Get an understanding of the impact of the Neem Crop Protector in Ghana’s agricultural landscape, from creating jobs and empowering women to promoting environmentally friendly practices and reducing reliance on costly imports.
Wasila Issah, manager of the Neem facility, is labeling the NEEM crop protector  ⎮  © Photo by Bagonluri Muggaga/GIZ

Agricultural innovation in Ghana, where a groundbreaking bio-pesticide called the Neem Crop Protector is transforming the way farmers tackle pests. Nestled in the north-western region, a pilot neem seed processing facility has emerged in Wa, marking a milestone in the commercial availability of organic pesticides. Supported by the GIZ-AgriBIZ project, the Tibourataa Women Group has harnessed the power of neem seeds to create a locally sourced and environmentally friendly solution.

This is a story of empowerment, ecological balance, and the triumph of “Made in Ghana” solutions.

Women of the Tibuorotaa Group are proudly presenting their products⎮  © Photo by Bagonluri Muggaga/GIZ

A Year of Success

In October 2021, a neem seed processing unit sprang to life in Wa, igniting hope for sustainable pest control practices. Empowered by skill development through the GIZ-AgriBIZ project, the visionary Tibourataa Women Group embarked on a mission to harness the hidden potential of neem seeds.

Within its first year, the neem processing unit achieved remarkable results, producing 2,000 liters of Neem oil and 7,000 kg of Neem cake. The output showcases the commitment of the Tibourataa Women Group to make these organic solutions readily available to farmers.

neem crop protector
The new extraction machine processes the neem seeds into oil  ⎮  © Photo: Bagonluri Muggaga/GIZ

The impact of the initiative goes beyond agricultural innovation. By creating 12 permanent jobs at the processing facility and generating 500 indirect jobs, primarily held by women working as neem seed collectors, the Tibourataa Women Group has empowered individuals and contributed to the economic growth of the community.

Thanks to the collaboration of 20 Agro Inputs Dealers, the Neem Crop Protector is now easily accessible to farmers across the region. With its bio-pesticide solutions readily available, farmers can say goodbye to harmful chemicals and embrace safe and sustainable alternatives.

Neem bio pesticide

Neem Seed Cake, Crop Protector (Oil) and Emulsifier ⎮  © Photo: GIZ

The Neem Crop Protector has been put to the test in 40 demonstration and efficacy trials, engaging 1,157 farmers, of whom 52% are women, from various districts in North-Western Ghana. Certified by the Environmental Protection Agency, this bio-pesticide ensures effective pest control while prioritizing the well-being of smallholder farmers and consumers.

The Neem Crop Protector stands as a testament to Ghana’s ingenuity and commitment to self-sufficiency. By reducing reliance on costly imports and embracing locally sourced bio-inputs like the neem pesticide, Ghana moves closer to achieving sustainable agricultural practices and a resilient future.

The Neem Crop Protector is likely to be a game-changer in Ghana’s agricultural landscape, offering safe, sustainable solutions for pest control. Thanks to the efforts of the Tibourataa Women Group and the support of the GIZ-AgriBIZ project, Ghana is cultivating a greener future. By embracing the power of neem and championing “Made in Ghana” solutions, the country not only promotes ecological balance but also strengthens its agricultural sector.

The Neem Crop Protector paves the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future, where local innovations take center stage, ensuring the well-being of farmers, consumers, and the environment alike.


Stefan Pletziger, 

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