The 2022 SNRD Conference — Facts and Figures

A visual overview

The 2021 SNRD conference welcomed 100 onsite participants, from the dark shaded countries

Participants came together from 20 countries

• Benin
• Burkina Faso
• Cameroun
• Congo (République démocratique du)
• Côte d’Ivoire
• Ethiopia
• Germany*
• Kenya
• Madagascar
• Malawi
• Mali
• Namibia
• Nigeria
• Rwanda
• Somalia
• South Africa
• Tajikistan*
• Thailand*
• Togo
• Tunisia

* denotes non-African countries not displayed on the map

Gender balance was nearly reached, with 55% being female, 44 % male and 1% not disclosed

Colleagues from all areas within GIZ as well as external colleagues were invited. The current speaker team had made a goal to aim at broad participation of national staff (NMA). Therefore it is appreciated that 14% more national staff colleagues attended than at the 2019 SNRD conference, where there were 21% of NMA.

The agricultural portfolio within GIZ comprises different divisions and project types. The conference saw a lot of contributions from the global, regional and regional projects which were collaborating and exchanging their methods, ideas and knowledge.

All sessions were held in English and in French. Although many participants were able to speak English, French  — and some also Somali, Swahili, Arabic, German, Twi, Amharic, Hausa and many more — the vibrant bilingualism of SNRD Africa is something to be kept and cherished.

The majority of technical advisors present at the conference worked in projects, while senior staff, project leaders as well we juniors were a minority.

The conference attracted a lot of young GIZ talent and also newbies to the SNRD conference. Every second participant was 35 or younger.

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