Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training
Please note this group is currently in recess
This CoP is for anyone working on ATVET-related projects in developing countries as well as for experts in GIZ sector departments dealing with topics linked to ATVET within Germany.
The community promotes continuous information exchange on the development and adjustment of tools, approaches and examples of best practices. It provides a forum for their presentation, discussion and further development.
The idea of establishing a network of experts and practitioners in the field of agricultural technical vocational education and training was triggered by the insight that, despite the growing demand for ATVET, there was no platform to exchange and further develop approaches and methodologies.
The agricultural sector forms the basis for income generation for the majority of people in developing countries, while there is more pressure on food security against the backdrop of a growing population. At the same time, there is an increasing pressure on already limited arable land — for example due to climate change and soil degradation — which means that this cannot be achieved by mere extension of land under cultivation anymore. An innovative and efficient use of the available resources is needed, which leads to the special role of ATVET.
ATVET helps to create perspectives for income generation and employment on the individual level, at the same time it fosters food security, increases productivity and innovation on a larger scale. The recognition of ATVET’s special relevance is continuously increased by policymakers as well as by development cooperation because of developments such as migration, climatic changes and the limits of the land.
The day-to-day experiences of development cooperation though show that the overlap of the topics of ATVET is often not sufficiently addressed, meaning that potential synergies cannot be realized on a sufficient scale.
The CoP is a forum for those working on ATVET related projects in developing countries as well as for experts in the sector departments working on topics linked to ATVET within Germany. It enables the continuous development and adjustment of tools, approaches and examples of best practices, and provides a forum presentation, discussion and further development.
The CoP has been set up to create the opportunity for exchange with colleagues faced with similar challenges within their respective projects. Topics discussed to date include aspects of private sector inclusion to make ATVET labour-market relevant, tailoring ATVET to the specific needs of women in rural areas, building assessment structures for ATVET and many others.
One to two physical meetings per year and approx. monthly virtual meetings provide a format to jointly learn and exchange.