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List of Projects
Follows a complete list of member projects and programmes as of July 2019. Please note that global and regional programmes are listed separately and will be indicated on the map at their base which is usually Germany. To obtain more specific information on the various countries of regional or global operations, kindly follow the links to the GIZ website. For projects or programmes that are not linked right now, please try to search the GIZ Projects Database.
Regional and global (Germany)
Listed hereunder are programmes that are active in more than one country
- Adaptation of the Agricultural Sector to Climate Change
- Advancing Sustainable Rural Development
- Agricultural Policy Advisory Fund
- Agricultural Policy and Food Security
- Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance
- Cross-border collaboration Western Ethiopia – East
- Food and nutrition security through transitional aid measures in Subsahara Africa
- Fund for human capacity cooperation with partners of international agricultural research – PIAF
- Global Programme Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience
- Green Innovations Centres in Agricultural Systems
- i4Ag
- Implementing the Nagoya-Protocol of the Convention on Biological Diversity (ABS Initiative)
- International Forest Policy (IWP)
- International agricultural research for rural development
- Knowledge Center for Organic Agriculture in Africa
- Knowledge for Nutrition (K4N)
- Mainstreaming EbA – Strengthening Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Planning and Decision Processes
- Marine conservation support project
- Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region
- Natural Resources Stewardship Programme (NatuRes)
- NDC Assist II – Strengthening the financing and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions
- Partnership Against Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade (in Africa and Asia)
- Programme Climate-smart Livestock Systems
- Promotion of agricultural finance for agri-based enterprises in rural areas
- Promotion of nutrition-sensitive potato value chains in East Africa PNSP
- Qualification for Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Africa
- Qualification of Women in the Agriculture and Nutrition Sector (CAADP)
- Regional Support to COMIFAC (Central African Forest Commission)
- Responsible Land Policy
- SADC Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA)
- Scaling digital agriculture innovations through start-ups (SAIS)
- Science-based Support for National Adaptation Plan Processes in francophone LDCs of sub-Saharan Africa
- Secretariat Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
- Sector Programm Soil Protection, Desertification and Sustainable Landmanagement, SV BoDeN
- Sector Project Agricultural Policy and Food Security
- Sector Project Environmental Policies
- Sector Project Rural Employment with Focus on Youth
- Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security
- Strengthening Capacities of International Centers for Agricultural Research through recruiting integrated experts
- Strengthening Farmers’ Organisations for Sustainable Agricultural Development
- Strengthening IGAD’s capacity to increase drought resilience in the Horn of Africa
- Support Project Conservation of Biodiversity on Land
- Support Project for the Implemenation of the Paris Agreement
- Sustainable agricultural value chains and standards
- Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Transboundary Biosphere Reserve WAP-Region
- Transboundary conservation and use of natural resources in the SADC region
- Unterstützung des BMUB bei der Umsetzung der IKI
- Programme d’appui au Programme Sectoriel Forêt et Environnement (ProPFE)
- Rural Development Cameroon
- Support of the Transboundary National Park BSB Yamoussa
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic Republic of Congo
- Conservation of Biodiversity and Forest Management
- Food and nutrition security in Tanganyika Province
- Improvement of livelihoods and peacebuilding in eastern Congo
- Trilateral Resilience Enhancement in Ethiopian lowlands (TREE Project)
- Capacity Development for Strengthened Drought Resilience in the Ethiopian Lowlands (CDSDR)
- Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- Contribution to the support of the agricultural productiveness in Ethiopia
- Sustainable Land Management Programme
- Improving Food Security and Catastrophe Risk Management to Strengthen the Resilience in Afar
- Sustainable Land Use for Economic Development (SURED)
- Participative Land Use Planning
- Agricultural Mechanisation and Technology for Smallholder Productivity
- Food Security Through Improved Agricultural Productivity in Western Kenya
- Drought Resilience in Northern Kenya
- Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
- Adaptation of Agricultural Value Chains to Climate Change (PrAda)
- More Income and Employment in Rural Areas through selected value chains
- Nutrition and Access to Primary Education (NAPE)
- Support of the National Programm for Sustainable Small Scale Irrigation (PASSIP)
- Programme for the Support of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Mali
- Natural Resources Management Programme (ProGRN)
- Promotion of Employment and occupational integration in rural areas
- Agricultural Extension Services for Land Reform Beneficiaries
- Bush Control and Biomass Utilisation
- Community-based Natural Resource Management
- Support to Land Reform
- Demand-oriented Vocational Education and Training
- Pro-Poor Growth and Promotion of Employment in Nigeria Programme (SEDIN)
Sierra Leone
- Fish for Nutrition
- Sustainable Land Management in ‘Somaliland’
- Improved livelihoods through livestock and agriculture in Saaxil, Somalia
South Africa
South Sudan
- Decentralised Access to Energy in Togo
- Programme pour le Développement Rural y compris l’Agriculture (ProDRA)
- Initiative pour la Promotion des Filières Agricoles
- Projet Promotion de l’Agriculture Durable et du Développement Rural en Tunisie
- Support to refugees and hosting communities in Northern Uganda
- Support to Rural Development in Uganda