Share Your Change Maker Story in the Next Newsletter

Lead theme will be “women’s empowerment — going beyond business as usual in rural development”

Visual:© Shutterstock

It’s International Women’s Month and the new working group on Gender-Transformative Approaches in Rural Development is in the lead for the next newsletter issue.

Contributing towards the momentum around achieving SDG 5, the group is looking for inspiring content from fellow SNRD Africa members. Deadline for submissions: 15 April.

Follows a breakdown of what the group is looking for in particular:

Content on the feature theme

We invite you to be creative for this special issue. From a typical article to a cartoon, we look forward to learning from and with you. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  1. Article: Share what your project is doing towards empowering women and girls! Focus on the famous ‘So what?’ question!
  2. Interview: Do you know a changemaker and want to tell their story?
  3. Cartoon or photo journal: A picture tells more than 1000 words
  4. Sharing is caring: What personal experiences as a changemaker can you share with our community to learn from?
  5. Behind-the-Scenes: What does it take to get the project colleagues motivated to move from reach to empowerment?
  6. A cheer for the newbies!: Have you just started the journey on gender-transformative approaches? Please share your first insights, they are so valuable!
  7. Top 10: What are your top reading recommendations on this topic, be it on empowerment, feminist theory, male changemakers for gender equality etc?

Any other business

What is happening in the working groups, communities of practices and projects.

In addition to the content on women’s empowerment, you are also welcome to send in any other project updates, latest developments and knowledge products, pictures from working groups and communities of practices etc. We especially welcome information on new projects.

  1. Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development (ABIVCD)
  2. Climate Change, Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management (CCLNRM)
  3. Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience (FSNR)
  4. Policy Processes for Agriculture and Rural Development (PPARD)
  5. Contract Farming
  6. Rural Employment

What’s up

Share with us any recent and upcoming events

  1. Name & brief description of the event (webinar, training, meetings)
  2. Date, time, and location (e.g. MS Teams/ Skype/ Accra-Ghana)
  3. Link to access past or upcoming events (meeting/webinar/training/surveys)
  4. Contact person and contact details
  5. Link to important communication materials (videos, files, pictures high resolution etc.) on IDA f. contact person (e.g. community manager:

Let’s read and learn

Publications, other newsletters, useful links

For publications, please structure the submission as follows:

  1. Title
  2. Teaser / Inspiring quote
  3. Focus area (i.e. Gender /Climate Change/ youth employment etc.) d. Short description up to 100 words (optional)
  4. Link to the publication (on or other)

Looking for

Job Opportunities (optional)

Position(s) and link to the announcement with contact person

Hi there

Staff news (optional)

Introduction of new colleagues or changes of personnel

Updates from other Sector networks (optional)

General news related to SNRD Africa (optional)

Good to know

For all content submissions, please provide name of, short description, commissioning agency, country, photo (if any), contact person and contact details, link to the project page (if any)

  • Title (e.g.: new project commissioned in Mali)
  • 500 – 1000 words max (that is up to two A4 pages, font Arial, size 11)
  • One or two related pictures (ideally high resolution, .JPEG or .ai)
  • Picture description, credit, source, copyright
  • Name and position of the contact person (e.g. A. Diakite, Technical Advisor GIZ Mali –
  • Link to further materials (e.g. link to factsheet on IDA, website)

Pictures should have

  1. High resolution – JPEG
  2. Briefly described
  3. Source acknowledged with the copyright ©

Articles should have

  1.  around 500 – 1000 words (2 pages max)
  2. Not too technical language
  3. Easy to understand