Discussing the Burning Questions of the ABIVCD Working Group

Report from the virtual meeting of the Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development working group
The winning teams of this year’s gamification prizes

The worldwide travel restrictions did not allow the ABIVCD working group to meet in person this year, but it certainly didn’t keep members from exploring new formats and intensively exchanging online.

The aim of the meeting was to foster a more intense and frequent exchange on specific thematic areas, enable networking between members and to strengthen the working group by contextualizing the activities of the group in the everyday work of projects — all while defining the way forward.

During the week-long meeting, the group hosted 9 thematic sessions and 3 virtual field trips, comprising a variety of topics with interactive formats and speakers from all over Africa and Germany with over 850 participants.

Meeting agenda — Click to enlarge for a closer look at the themes discussed

During the meeting, we virtually visited Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Gambia, Zambia, Mali, Niger, Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire. We exchanged, networked and discussed with the working group members, in French as well as in English, and re-discovered the common ground of our working group. The number of enlisted working group members grew from 201 to 254.

To spice up the meeting and foster participation, this year’s virtual meeting was based on a gamification approach.  More than 20 teams registered who actively participated in the run for lucrative prizes such as sponsored studies, south-south exchanges or training.

More information

If you want to review or simply haven’t had the opportunity to be part of all of the thematic sessions, you can always find the documentation of the virtual meeting by visiting the MS Teams ABIVCD room in the virtual meeting folder.

NB: To be able to follow the link you need to be a member of said room. If you experience any difficulties in accessing membership or cannot see the documents, please contact corinna.peters@giz.de.


We also want to remind SNRD members to get in touch with us if you are interested in taking the lead or to organize an activity in one of the thematic clusters of the working group.

We have many exciting and interactive activities planned and require your support and contribution: Please go to your thematic workstream of interest in the ABIVCD room on MS Teams and reach out to us. (internal only)

You can also find us on this website and ABIVCD IDA Platform (internal only)

The ABIVCD coordinating team

Laura de Guevara, Speaker
Thuweba Diwani, Co-Speaker
Johannes Peters, Tandem Partner
Corinna Peters, IDA Community Manager
Caroline Jehmlich, Event Coordinator
Clara Gottschalk, Intern