How to Mitigate the Pandemic’s Impact on Agri-Food Value Chains

Link list to helpful resources

The Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance compiled a list of resources that colleagues might fight useful when assessing options.


WORLD BANK COVID-19 Trade Policy Database
WTO list of trade and trade-related measures notified by members
ITC Market Access Map Tracking of COVID-19 Temporary Trade Measures
IFPRI Food Export Restrictions Tracker
Global Trade Alert Monitoring of State Interventions likely to affect trade

Papers and presentations

UNSCN Website: The COVID 19 pandemic is disrupting people’s food environments
HLPE: Impact of COVID 19 on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN) (Paper)
FAO: Q&A: COVID-19 pandemic impact on food and agriculture
FAO: COVID-19 and Food Supply: A Four Pronged Battle Plan for Countries (Blog)
FAO: Maximo Torero (Presentation)
Rural21 article by Gunther Beger (Director-General of the Department “Policy issues of development cooperation; civil society, churches and private sector; rural development “, BMZ): Developing countries hit doubly hard by coronavirus
Rural21 article by SV AAA, SV APES: The impact of COVID-19 on agricultural trade and food security


Kristina Mensah
Corinna Peters