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Webinar #12 of the ValueLinks Plus series on agricultural value chain promotion

We will have a closer look at the essentials of the living income concept. How is it calculated and how are living income reference prices set up? Where are we at in terms of its application right now? How should it be applied in the context of the ValueLinks approach and what will be its likely relevance in future?


  • Eberhard Krain, GIZ Sectoral Department (Competence Centre 4D30)
  • Tim Loos, GIZ Sector Programme Sustainability and Standards in Global Agriculture Value Chains


Alfons Eiligmann, International ValueLinks Association


Carolin Voigt, GIZ Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance (SP AAA)

Is this relevant to you?

You promote agricultural value chains development and want to learn more about the approach of living incomes?
You have no idea (yet) whether living incomes are a valuable aspirational goal to strive for, or far from achievable, or still not high enough to make a real change towards better living conditions???
You want to get an idea how the approach is used within project implementation for agribased value chain promotion, e.g. in Ghana or Malawi?

If the answer to one of these questions is ‘yes’, our webinar #12 will be worth your while! We will focus on the essentials of the concept, explain how a living income is calculated, how a reference price is determined and how it has already benefited countries to negotiate for higher commodity prices and encouraged our own governments to think of due diligence regulations.

Our guest Eberhard Krain will explain the concept of living incomes, the calculation of living incomes and reference prices and tell us about his country experiences from Malawi and Madagascar.

The second guest, Till Loos, provides insights to the cocoa value chain in Ghana and Ivory Coast. He’ll tell us more about the outcomes of recent conferences in Europe. We will also briefly introduce the community of practice on living incomes.

Your takeaway

Webinar #12 provides an open platform for exchange amongst colleagues and experts working in the field of agricultural value chain promotion within and outside of GIZ. You can share your own experiences, your knowledge and contribute good practice examples as well as learn from others. Please, feel free to forward this invitation to interested colleagues.
To make sure that we cover your interests during the webinar, you can also submit your questions beforehand to Carolin Voigt (


We’ll record the webinar for the purpose of video documentation. The video will be distributed to the public after the webinar.
We’ll distribute the edited recording together with the presentations and a brief written summary of key messages to all participants.

The edited video documentation of our last Webinar #10 on Energy Mapping along Agricultural Value Chains is available here:>

Data privacy

Please, note that with your participation in the webinar – either virtual or physical – you give consent to use your personal data according to the European General Data Privacy Regulation (2016/679)

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The webinar is hosted by the SP AAA in collaboration with the SNRD Africa Working Group Agribusiness and Inclusive Value Chain Development (ABIVCD), and the GIZ Sectoral Department (FMB).

Photo:  Tea pluckers at the foot of the Mulanje Mountains, Malawi, striving for a better wage, by Ethical Tea Partnership

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