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Chargement Évènements

Expert talk

To strengthen the EU’s partnership with Africa, President Jean-Claude Juncker announced in his 2018 State of the Union speech a new ‘Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’. To operationalize the suggested actions of this alliance a group of African and European experts – the Task Force Rural Africa (TFRA) – was tasked to propose concrete solutions for a positive rural transformation and an inclusive and sustainable agriculture and agri-food sector.

In March 2019, the Task Force published its landmark report, an agri-food and rural agenda for the new ‘Africa-Europe Alliance’, which proposes four strategic areas of action: job creation, climate action, sustainable transformation of African agriculture and development of the African food industry and markets.

This event will discuss the key recommendations of the report with the German TFRA members Prof. Christine Wieck and Albert Engel and reflect on the opportunities for German development cooperation in the implementation of the proposed actions.

You’ll learn about the key recommendations and proposed actions and have the opportunity to ask questions and receive first-hand answers from the authors of the report.

We encourage you to join our discussion in order to understand what this new Africa-Europe Agenda for Rural Transformation holds for the future and what it (could) mean for your daily work.



  • Marc Nolting, Team Leader Fundamentals for a Rural Future and Nutrition, G530

Welcome & introductory remarks

  • Tobias Gerster, Director Division Africa Supraregional and Horn of Africa, GIZ

TFRA expert presentations

  • Insights on the proposed Africa-Europe Agenda for inclusive rural transformation Albert Engel, member of the Task Force Rural Africa, Director Corporate Unit Evaluation
  • Insights on Agricultural Trade & Finance
    Christine Wieck, member of the Task Force Rural Africa, Head of Department Agricultural and Food Policy at the Hohenheim University

Fishbowl discussion: Relevance of the report – why it is important for our work?

  • Inge Baumgarten, Director GIZ Liaison Office to the African Union, OE 1700 (tbc)
  • Uli Sabel-Koschella, Team Leader Value Chains Agriculture, OE 1720
  • Christel Weller-Molongua, Director Division Rural Development, Agriculture, G500

Wrap-up and closing

  • Christel Weller-Molongua, Head of Division Rural Development and Agriculture, G500

Light lunch

More information

« Global Partners on Equal Footing — Calling for an Africa-Europe agenda for rural transformation »
Find video interviews (forthcoming), the Task Force Report, Fact Sheet and more in this detailed article.

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