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The webinar provides key insights of the GIZ SBC manual and experiences of the Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Project in Ethiopia with a special focus on media campaigning


  • Introduction (5 min.) — Ines Reinhard (FMB)

  • Annette Roth (Sector Project Agriculture Policy & Food and Nutrition Security)

    (15 min.) Main insights of the SBC manual. Influences and lessons from Behavior Change Theories. Important steps for programming SBC interventions.

  • Mehret Haile (Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Project (NSAP), Ethiopia)

    Experiences and lessons from Ethiopia, with a focus on the SBC media campaign.

    Overview of the components of an SBC strategy design and insights into the Social Media campaign 2019.

  • Q&A (35 min.)

About the webinar series Nutrition Knowledge Snacks

Sharing promising approaches and valuable experiences – the SNRD Africa working group on Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience Working Group aims to boost knowledge exchange within the network!

During the SNRD Working Group FNSR meeting in Malawi in April 2018, the participants identified key topics of great common interest to the community. The webinar series Nutrition Knowledge Snacks will respond to the demand, getting technical input based on practical experiences on the key topics.

All Nutrition Knowledge Snacks will feature before and after each session on the GIZ internal IDA.Communities with colourful teasers, Q&As, wikis quizzes, further background information and, of course, discussions.

Topics of future webinars

  • Moringa
  • Nutrition and gender
  • ICT for nutrition
  • Realizing the right to adequate food, nutrition in agriculture

How to participate

Webinar participation is open to everyone after registration. Please contact one of the following colleagues to receive an access link.,,

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